Gather people around a central hub of church events and happenings.
Plan big and small events without conflict between ministries. Keep a bird’s eye view of the church schedule in mind when creating new events. Inform people of upcoming activities.

Plan big and small events without conflict between ministries. Keep a bird’s eye view of the church schedule in mind when creating new events. Inform people of upcoming activities.
Various ministries can consult the master church calendar when planning events to avoid conflicts. Color coded to show event types. Include birthdays and anniversaries.
Book facilities and rooms to ensure everyone has an appropriate space for use.
Keep private appointments private by designating events as “Public”, “Public to Office”, or “Personal”.
If your church uses Sunergo Websites, your church calendar is viewable right from your website.
Enable calendar subscription by using the link provided to import calendar into various calendar services. Now everyone in your congregation can stay informed on events that matter to them.
Print custom versions of the calendar for display and planning purposes.
Create a space for your congregation to gather digitally with our framework websites. Keep your congregation updated with blogs, podcasts and more.
More about Websites
Our event registration system is easy-to-use and allows you to customize your events with different session options, early bird rates, discount codes, number of spots available, and custom attendee questions.
More about Event Registration